I walked down the road when I saw a young man in front of me.He looked at a flower.He was so absorbed in what he did that he didn't notice me.
There was something strange about him,judging from the way he moved his head and from the clothes he wore.
While he collected some flower seeds I took his photo.It was obvious that he didn't expect it.By the way he looked at me I understood he was an alien.It was a bit of a shock for me.I couldn't move or shout for help.I was just standing in the path,looking at him while he was slowly approaching me.Then I noticed his friendly face an encouraging smile...
Am mers pe un drum cand am vazut un om tanar in fata mea.El s-a uitat la o floare. A fost absorbit ca nu m-a instiintat.
A fost ceva ciudat despre el,judecand dupa modul in care isi misca capul
si dupa hainele pe care le purta.
In timp ce a colectat niste seminte de flori i-am luat fotografia.A fost evident ca nu a observat.Apropo el s-a uitat la mine si am inteles ca este un extraterestru.Am fost socat.Nu m-am putut misca sau sa strig pentru ajutor.
Am stat pe drum,uitandu-ma la el in timp ce se apropia de mine.Apoi am instiintat fata lui prietenoasa si zambetul incurajator...