
Translate the sentences below paying attention to the underlined words
a) Anne and Mihai's ENGAGEMENT was announced to everybody.
b) Dianna's MARRIAGE to Radu was welcomed by her family.
c) There were somw famous people at their WEDDING.
d) The bridge was dressed in white while the BRIDGE-GROOM in black and white.
e) After the wedding reception the newly married couple spent their HONEYMOON at the seaside.

Răspuns :

Logodna Annei şi a lui Mihai a fost anunţată tuturor.   
Căsătoria lui Dianna cu Radu a fost binevenita  de familia ei.  
 Acolo la nunta lor au fost niste oameni celebri 
Mireasa  a fost îmbrăcata în alb în timp ce mirele  în alb şi negru. 
 după nuntă, cuplul proaspăt căsătorit şi-a petrecut luna de miere la malul mării.