
Buna! Ofer 30 de puncte daca imi faceti propozitii din care sa reiasa sensul expresiilor: be the cats whiskers ; fight like cat and dog ; has the cat got your thung? ; let the cat out of the bag ; like a cat on a hot thin roof ; look like something the cat dragt in ; not have a cat in hell's chanse ; play cat and mouse ; put/sat a cat a moung the pigeuns ; while the cats away,the mouse will play. P.S. nu e obligatoriu cu toate,doar cu cate stiti

Răspuns :

Eu îți voi spune sensul expresiei și în română ca să înțelegi în caz că te întreabă profesoara.

be the cats whiskers- to be better than everyone's else= a fi mai bun ca toti ceilalti.

He is very excited so i tell him to be the cats whikers. 

fight like cat and dog - a se lupta ca si pisica cu cainele

This is a very important competition! Please, 
fight with him like cat and dog.

has the cat got your thung - you don't want to speak= ti-a mancat pisica limba? 

What happend? Has the cat got you thung? 

let the cat out of the bag - to allow a secret to be known without intending to = a scapa un secret, a spune un secret fara sa iti dai seama.

I was trying to keep the wedding a secret, but Shara went and let the cat out of the bag.

like a cat on a hot tin roof-describe someone who is in a state of extreme nervous worry= descrie o persoana care este intr-o stare nervoasa de ingrijorare, anxietate.

I'm worried about Anna she is like a cat on a tin roof.

look like something the cat dragged in- to look very untidy and dirty= arata precum un loc in care a intrat pisica, un loc murdar.

Oh my God, this house look like something the cat dragged in.

not have a cat in hell's chanse- to be completely unable to achieve something- a fi complet incapabil in a face sau realiza ceva.

They haven't a cat in hell's chance of doing this party.