
complete the programe notes about Lochbroom FM.

Name of radio station
programme title
starts at
finishes at
tocat's special feature
next week's special feature
size of audience

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Complete The Programe Notes About Lochbroom FM Name Of Radio Station Locatinoprogramme Title Starts At Finishes Atpresenters Tocats Special Feature Next Weeks S class=

Răspuns :

Name of the radio:Lochbroom FM
Location:Ullapool,nort-west coast of Scotland
Programme title:Kids Ok?
Starts at:every Saturday morning 11 a.m.
Finishes at:12 a.m.
Presenters:Rowan Muir and Rowan Bates-Hamilton
today's special feature: music:Queen
next week's special feature:programme on Oasis and Blur
size of audience:5,000 people
1-Lochbroom fm
2-Kids Ok?
 3-   11 a.m.
4-    12 midday
5-Rowan Muir and Rowan Bates-Hamilton
7-programme on Oasis and Blur
8-   5,000 people