
va rog dau coroana si puncte

Va Rog Dau Coroana Si Puncte class=

Răspuns :

make the bad
 feed the pets
 do the shopping
 tidy the room
este un exercițiu de grup este vorba despre colegii tăi trebuie sa.i intrebi daca la ei acasa au udat florile,au strâns masa etc... dar am sa.ti arăt cum sa realizezi niste întrebări si răspunsuri deasemenea

1.Do you give water on your flowers ?
-Yes, every Friday
2.After you finish the dinner you clear the table?
-Not always
3.Do you lay the table?
-My mother is laying the table.
4.Do You wash the dishes ?
-Sometimes yes but this is my sister pleasure
5. You make your bed ?
-Yes but when I'm late I'm not give attention
6.You tide your room?
-Always , I don't want to be nasty
7.In the morning you make the breakfast? - No ,my parents is going to do that
8.Do You go shopping to buy...anything?
-Not. without my sponsors (parents )
9.Do you feed your pets?
-Yes this is my responsibility.