
Dau coroana! Scrieti va rog numarul 4. Si explicati va rog cum se face acest numarul.

Dau Coroana Scrieti Va Rog Numarul 4 Si Explicati Va Rog Cum Se Face Acest Numarul class=

Răspuns :

Pai nu ai cum sa explici cum se face,doar trebuie sa schimbi timpul verbelor din paranteza in Present Simple(Prezentul Simplu) și Present Continuous (Prezentul Continuu)

a)My elder sister is having a music leson. She always have music leson on Friday.

b)Who is singing in the next room?

c)Father is reading a newspaper. He usually read something before going to bed.

d)Who are You waiting for? I am waiting for Ann, we must leave in ten minutes.

e) Do You understant the use of Present Simple and Present Continuous Tenses?