
Diferentele dintre:
Will future,going to future
Si cand le folosim pe fiecare+exemple.

Răspuns :

will =timpul viitor
going=avem terminatia ,,ing,,deci este prezent continuu.

Exemple:We will dance in this room.
Traducerea:Noi vom dansa in aceasta camera.

We will drink apple juice.
Traducerea:Noi vom bea suc de mere.

I will sing with my sister .
Traducerea:Eu voi canta cu sora mea.

She will never eat fruits.
Traducerea:Ea nu va manca niciodata fructe.

going to

Exemple : We are going to the theatre now.
Traducerea : Noi mergem spre teatru acum.

They are going to the restaurant now.
Traducerea :Ei merg spre restaurant acum.

Sper ca te .am ajutat