
Imi traduceti si mie acest text , va roggg! !! Repedee

* Ajutor
Everybody has to attend classes daily but you don't have to take part in the special activities if you don't want to. If anybody needs to phone home for any reason, they must ask for permission to use the school phone. Try to keep your room tidy. Don't forget that your landlady doesn't have to clean your room. Remind your host that she had got to provide you with a packed lunch for the Saturday outings. If you have a student card, you don't need to carry a passport. Remember that you have to book a time if you want to use the tennis courts. sper ca ți-am fost de folos.

Răspuns :

Toata lumea trebuie sa participe la orele de curs zilnic, dar tu nu trebuie sa participi la activitatile extracuriculare daca nu vrei.
Daca cineva trebuie sa telefoneze acasa fara niciun motiv, acela trebuie sa cearapermisiune sa foloseasca telefonul scolii.
Incearca sa iti mentii camera curata.