
Ajutor.Tema este usoara,dar eu nu am fost in clasa si nu am inteles.

In the following sentences future intentions or predictions are expressed.Put the verb in its correct form(Going to,'will' Future or present continuous).
1. These kids(to make)lots of money in the future"hopes the producer.
2.I've been feeling better and better so(to leave)the hospital tomorrow)
3.It's the 3o'clock train(to take)tomorrow
4.This conversation is useless:I(to take) the 3 o'clock train tomorrow
5.I've missed my train.Now it's sure(to be late)
6.Stop eating so much! You ( to be ) overweight one day.
7.I think she ( to end up) in hospital soon
8.The way she is doing it,thing she ( to end up) in hospital soon)

Răspuns :

1. will make
2. i am going to leave 
3. that i'll be taking tomorrow
4. going to take
5. going to be late 
6. will be 
7. will end up
8. will end up 

Explicatie : ,,going to" se foloseste la lucruri care se vor intampla sigur
Folosim ,,will" când vorbim despre o decizie luată la momentul vorbirii.

Folosind ,,going to" când vorbim despre o decizie luată înaintea de momentul vorbirii.

1. "These kids are going to make lots of money in the future" hopes the producer
2. I've been feeling better and better so I am going to leave the hospital tomorrow
3. It's the 3o' clock train I'm going to take tomorrow
4. This conversation is useless:I'm going to take the 3 o'clock train tomorrow
5. I've missed my train.Now it's sure I
will be late.
6. Stop eating so much! You will be overweight one day.
7. I think she will end up in hospital soon.
8.The way she is doing it I think she will end up in hospital soon.