
9.Use the words below to fill in the gaps.Add Any or No.
10.Fill in the gaps with Some,Any or No.
11.Choose the correct answer.

9Use The Words Below To Fill In The GapsAdd Any Or No10Fill In The Gaps With SomeAny Or No11Choose The Correct Answer class=

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9. Use the words below to fill in the gaps. Add ANY or NO

objections, money, croissants, mistakes, friends, chocolate, work, pills, petrol, incident

1. I'm sorry, but the baker hasn't got any croissants left.

2. If you don't have any objections, we can start.

3. He has no money so that he can't buy the car.

4. She can go home because she has no work to do here.

5. You shouldn't take any pills without reading the instructions.

6. My car stopped because there was no petrol left.

7. I hope there was no incident at the football match.

8. Everything is correct. There aren't any mistakes.

9. This girl is new in the school and she has no friends.

10. I don't need any chocolate to make this cake.

10. Fill in the gaps with SOME, ANY or NO.

1. She sent some postcards to her friends in Britain yesterday.

2. It's very cold so there are no children playing in the street.

3. I'm really thirsty. I need some water, please.

4. I went to the library, but I couldn't find any books about art.

5. I'm sorry, but I've got no time to help you.

6. He prepared some fruit salad for dessert.

7. We need some coins for the car park.

8. We didn't buy any flowers.

9. This evening I'm going out with some friends of mine.

10. Have you seen any good films recently?

11. Choose the correct answer.

1. Are there any plates in the cupboard?

2. I went to the store, but I bought no soap.

3. Could you lend me some money?

4. It isn't going to rain. There are some clouds in the sky.

5. He didn't eat any sweets yesterday.

6. She needs some help wit this exercise.

7. The police wanted to ask the man some questions.

8. I didn't want any trouble.

9. Can I have some more pudding, please?

10. I'm afraid I have some new information about the trip.


Observaţii utile:

  • Some  şi cuvintele compuse cu "some" (somebody, someone, something, somewhere) se folosesc în propoziţiile afirmative:

There is some milk on the table. (Este nişte lapte pe masă.)

  • Any  şi cuvintele compuse cu "any" (anybody, anyone, anything, anywhere) se folosesc în propoziţii:

A. interogative: Has he got any pen? (El are vreun stilou?)

B. negative, atunci când verbul este la negativ: He does not have any pen. (El nu are niciun stilou.)

  • No  şi cuvintele compuse cu "no" (nobody, nothing, nowhere) se folosesc în propoziţii pentru a exprima negaţia când verbul nu este la forma negativă:

He has no money. (El nu are niciun ban.)