
Un dialog in limba engleza tradus in romana care sa se adauge cuvintele o ceașcă cu cafea fierbinte,un pahar cu lapte,un borcan cu gem,o bucata de tort de ciocolata,o felie de pâine,o duzina de oua,un buchet de flori,un chiorchin de struguri,pâine cu unt,si pâine prăjită cu sunca

Răspuns :

- Hey Christine, what do you want for breakfast?
- Good Morning! I would like a cup of hot cofee please! Also you can bring that jam, it will make it better!
- Sure, can you give me that slice of bread? 
- Yes, do you want butter too?
- Yes please! So what happened to that slice of chocolate cake? it disappeared! 
- I don't know! 
- Whatever, today i'll go and i'll buy some flowers.
- Really? Why? But first give me that bacon and some bread.
- Your grandmother asked me to. After school you can come too, bring a dozen  of eggs
- Alright, i will!

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