
Choose the correct verb form :present perfect simple or past simple:1 My best friend is Sally.I knew/have known her for three years . 2.When I was a child,I lived /have lived in Sicily. 3. I didn't see /haven't seen my next -door neighbour since last weekend 4 How long did you have/have you had that watch? 5 My grandmother lives in our house .She lived/has lived with us since last year 6 Where did you go/have you been on holiday last year ? 7 My brother has three dogs .He had/has had them for seven years 8 I was /have been in this classroom since 9 o'clock this morning 9 I started /have started playing the guitar when I was eight 10 I'm starving ! I didn't eat / haven't eaten anything since this morning.

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Choose the correct verb form: Present Perfect Simple or Past Simple

Alegeți forma verbală corectă: Present Perfect Simple or Past Simple

1. My best friend is Sally. I have known her for three years.

Cea mai bună prietenă a mea este Sally. O cunosc de trei ani.

2. When I was a child, I lived in Sicily.

Când eram copil, locuiam în Sicilia.

3. I haven't seen my next-door neighbour since last weekend.

Nu mi-am văzut vecinul de la sfîrșitul săptămânii trecute.

4. How long have you had that watch?

De cât timp ai ceasul acela?

5. My grandmother lives in our house. She has lived with us since last year.

Bunica mea locuiește în casa noastră. Locuiește cu noi de anul trecut.

6. Where did you go on holiday last year?

Unde ai mers în vacanță anul trecut?

7. My brother has three dogs. He has had them for seven years.

Fratele meu are trei câini. Îi are de șapte ani.

8. I have been in this classroom since 9 o'clock this morning.

Sunt în această clasă  din această dimineață de la ora 9.

9. I started playing the guitar when I was eight.

Am început să cânt la chitară când aveam opt ani.

10. I'm starving! I haven't eaten anything since this morning.

Sunt lihnit de foame! Nu am mâncat nimic de azi dimineața.


1. Folosim Present Perfect Simple pentru a vorbi despre o acțiune petrecută într-o perioadă nedefinită (sau necunoscută) din trecut (indici de timp specifici acestui timp: this morning/week/month, since, for, just, already), care are continuare în prezent.

2. Past Simple exprimă o acțiune petrecută la un moment dat (într-o perioadă definită) în trecut și complet încheiată (indici de timp specifici acestui timp: last week/month/year, yesterday, ago).