Am mare nevoie de ajutor . Nu gasesc exact ce-mi trebuie si ma incurca foarte mult .
Find these words in the article . Two of the definitions next to them are not correct . Dcide which two they are and what the correct definitions should be . Check your ideas in an English-English dictionary.
Example : 1. Debut (line 14 ) : the first time that a performer or sports player performs in public - correct
(line 14 : to making his league *debut* in 1995 , just a month before his twentieth birthday ....)
2. Burst onto
3. Audition
4. Bump into
5. Propose
6. Blame for
7. Hug
2. Line 20 - The woman known as 'Posh Spice' *burst onto* the music scene ...
3. Line 24 - she always wanted to be famous and ended up *auditioning* for a brand-new pop group ...
4. Line 33 - London nightclubs hoping to *bump into* her .
5. Line 40 - I started thinking about *proposing* a week after I met her ...
6. Line 48 - Beckham was *blamed for* losing England the World Cup ....
7. Line 51 - big *hug* ...