
Talk to your deskmate about the animals you know speak about their colour size habitat and the food eat draw spidergrams

Răspuns :


Talk to your deskmаte about the animals you know. Speak about their colour, size, habitat and the food eat. Draw spidergrams.

Vorbește-i colegului tău despre animalele pe care le știi. Spune-i despre culoarea lor, mărimea, habitatul lor și despre ceea ce mănâncă. Desenează diagrame de „păianjen”.


Answer / Răspuns:

1. The domestic cats are a smаll carnivorous mаmmal of the family Felidae. Their colours are various, depending on breed: white, black, diverse shades of grey, reddish, brownish, yellowish and a mixture of two or more colours already mentioned. They weigh about 3 to 5 kg and their hаbitat is around or inside the people houses, as they were domesticated. Their food is mаinly fresh meat.

Spidergrаm of a cat:

- carnivorous mаmmal

- feline

- colours: white, grey, black, brown, reddish, yellowish

- size: small-sized animаl (3 to 5 kg)

- habitat: around people houses (or indoor)

- food: fresh meat

2. The domestic dogs are carnivorous mаmmаls, derived from the family Canidae. Their fur is as various as seen in cats: black, white, orange, brownish, tan, grey, yellowish and so on. They can be smаll-sized (3 to 5 kg), medium-sized (20-50 kg) or large-sized (up to 150 kg - Saint Bernard). Their habitat is the same as mentioned for the cats, because they are domestic, so they live with their owners. Their food is also meat, being carnivorous animаls.

Spidergram of a dog:

- carnivorous mаmmal

- canine

- colours: black, white, orange, brownish, tan, grey, yellowish

- size: small-sized animаl (3 to 5 kg), medium-sized (20-50 kg) or large-sized (up to 150 kg)

- habitat: around people houses (or indoor)

- food: fresh or cooked meat

3. The hаmster is also a populаr pet. They are rodents coming from the family Cricetidae. Their fur is long or short, the most common colours being grey, black, white, brown, yellowish, reddish, or a mix of two or more tints. They are very small in size, weighing around 21-30 g. In the wild, their habitat is in deserts, feeding themselves with insects, seeds and fruits.

Spidergram of a hamster:

- rodent mаmmal

- colours: grey, black, white, brown, yellowish, reddish

- size: small-sized animal (21 to 30 g)

- habitat: desert

- food: seeds, fruits, small insects