
Traduceti in limba engleza:
a)De cand au fost vandute aceste case,au mereu alte terase.
b)Citesc aceasta revista din 1950.
c)Fratele meu inca nu si-a spalat masina.
d)Nu ne-am mai intalnit de foarte mult timp.
e)Nu am mai mancat o prajitura de doua zile.
f)Unde ai fost,te-am cautat peste tot?
g)Nu a mai plouat in Sahara de 20 de ani.
h)Inca nu am vizitat aceasta tara,desi saptamana trecuta am mers la Bruxelle.
i)Ai citit aceasta carte?
j)Nu am citit-o pentru ca nu am avut timp.

Fara traducere automata,va rog frumos!

Răspuns :

a. Since those houses had been sell, they have always another ledges.
b. I had been reading this magazine since 1950.
c. My brother haven't washed his car yet.
d. We haven't met for a long time.
e. I haven't eat a cake for two days.
f. Where have you been? I have been looking for you everywhere.
g. It haven't rain anymore in Sahara since 20 years.
h. We haven't visited this country yet, even if we went to Bruxelles last week.
i. Did you read this book?
j. I didn't read it because I had no time.