
De facut in engleza

dau coroana

Numele meu este alin marchidan .
Am 14 ani si locuesc in Slobozia lupeni .
Pe parintii mei îi cheama : alin marchidan si alina marchidan .
Eu nu am frati dar mi-as dori sa am .
Invat la scoala gimnaziala nr. 2 si sunt in cls. A-III-A.
Materia mea preferata este Engleza precum si limba mea preferata este tot engleza.

dau coroana
dau coroana

Răspuns :

    My name is Alin Marchidan. I am 14 years old and i live in Slobozia Lupeni. My father is called Alin Marchidian and my mom Alina Marchidian. I Have no brothers but i wish i would. I study at the Gymnasium School Number 2 and i am in the third grade. My favourite subject is English and is my favourite language too.
My name is alin marchidan
I'm fourteen years old and I live in Lupeni, Slobozia.
My parents are named Alin and Alina Marchidan
I don't have brothers, but I like to have.
I study at school number two and I am in the thirds class.
My favourite subject is English and my favourite language is English too.