
Un eseu in engleza cu acest titlu

Un Eseu In Engleza Cu Acest Titlu class=

Răspuns :

Adolescence is the best period of our life

      As some think, being a kid is the best thing ever. Well I think not. You can't do anything than just play with everything around you. As a teen, you can do so many other new things you couldn't have done when you were a child. Such as having your own opinion about a important problem, having your own responsibilities both at school and at home. Discovering your true friends is the most exciting part of it all, actually. When you see that not all of your friends help you in a critical situation makes you question every single one of your friends, except the ones that you really trust and that are always going to be there for you. I think that it's still better to have only a few friends that never let you down, no matter what than to have a lot of friends that will never help you in a bad situation.
Being a teen is really hard, especially when most of us are looking for love.       And yes, it may sound strange, but it's true: adolescence may be the most unstable part of our lives, but it's the best. When we will be older, we will think at this period with a bit of sadness, just knowing that it passed so quick and we didn't even get a chance to savor it.