
De tradus urmatorul fragment in engleza:

"Trenul nostru porneste incet din gara.Mahalalele orasului,cu ulitile inguste si casute derapanate,cu fabrici care isi inalta cosurile negre,ca niste trunchiuri de copaci uitati de mult,dintr-o padure preistorica parca,raman toate in urma,se sterg din pervazul vagonului,ca si cand ar intra deodata in pamant."
Vaa roog mult!!

Răspuns :

Our train is slowly starting to depart from the station. The city's slums, with narrow streets and dilapidated houses, with factories that exalts their black chimneys, like some trees's trunks forgoten long ago, from a prehistoric forest, remain behind, they're erasing from the wagon's sill, like they're suddently entering in earth.