1) I think the woman threw a brick through the car's window because she forgot the keys inside,the car automatically locked and there was no way she could get inside the car so she smashed the window . 2) I think the woman dropped her cellphone in the dustbin while throwing out the garbage so she started looking in the dustbin in order to find her phone. 3)I think the man stole something from a shop and was informed by someone that the police officers will stop him and ask him to open his suitcase so he emptied it someplace else so he won't get caught. 4)I think the people were probably tourists ,who a night before got robbed while having dinner at a fancy restaurant and were left with nothing but the items they already had on them.The thieves also stole their car keys so they had to take the bus early in the morning to go to the police station as on Sunday,the day the theft took place, the police station was closed. 5)I think that the neighbor's front door lock broke and he couldn't open the door anymore.He remembered that he had left the living room's window open so he used the window the entire day as an entrance to the house .During the night he heard strange noises coming from outside so he went to check out the backyard and then got back inside through the window because he didn't manage to fix the door that day. 6)I think the boy bought for his mother on her birthday a necklace.He was holding it in his hand while he was walking home.When he arrived home he realized that the necklace must have fell out of his hand as he couldn't find it anymore.He went back on the same road he previously walked on but still didn't find it so he started crawling on his hands and knees while looking at the pavement hoping that he will find the necklace.