
Traduceti Proprozitiile : (Engleza)
1) El înota în pișcină la ora 6 dimineata.
2) În 2009 noi locuiam in Canada
3) Ce faceai ieri la ora 11:30? Lucrai?
4) A: Ce a spus El ?
B: Nu stiu . Nu ascultam
5) Ploua prin urmare nu am iesit afara
6) Ce facea Sarah ieri dimineata la 8:45? Ea îsi spala masina

Răspuns :

1) He swam in the pool at 6 o'clock in the morning.
2) In 2009 we were living in Canada.
3) What were you doing yesterday at 11:30? Did you work?
4) A: What did He say?
    B: I don't know . I did not listen.
5) It rained, so I did not go out.
6) What was Sarah doing yesterday morning at 8:45? She washed her car.