
Traduceți va roooooggggg:. My brother is having a singing lesson today.
2)How many languages does your brothers speak?.two .And he is learning Russian at the moment.
3)where does she usually have lunch.She always goes home.
4)Were's Sally?
She's play tennis in the park.She plays every Friday.
5)Do they teach Russian in your school? No they ,don't.
6)What's the lovely smell?
My dad is cooking hamburgers on the berbecue.
7)We usually coming here every summer.
8)They working in a hotel for the summer.....

Răspuns :

Fratele meu are lectie de canto azi.
Cate limbi poate vorbi fratele tau? Doua. Si invata si rusa.
Unde isi mananca ea de obicei pranzul? Tot timpul merge acasa.
Unde e Sally? Joaca tenis in parc. Joaca in fiecare vineri.
Se preda rusa in scoala ta? Nu.
Ce este mirosul acesta incantator? Tatal meu gateste hamburgeri pe gratar.
De obicei venim aici in fiecare vara.
Ei lucreaza intr-un hotel vara.