Hello, everyone! It's nice to see you again!=
Bunaziua , toata lumea! E foearte bine sa va vad inca o data!
It's nice to be back!=
E bine sa fiu/fim inapoi!
This is for you,Alvin=
Asta e pentru tine, Alvin
For me? where is it from/=
Pentru mine? De unde e?
It's from the USA.
E din SUA. (statele unite americii)
What is it?
Ce e?
Oh,it's a mirror.=
Oh, e o oglinda
Yes, it's a magic mirror!=
Da, e o oglinda magica!
Ex 2:
It's nice to see you again---> It's nice to be back!
Where is it from?--->It's from the USA.
What is it?--->It's a mirror.