Bowerbirds - Pasarile gradinar
Bowerbirds live in New Guinea and Australia.
Pasarile gradinar traiesc in Noua Guinee si Australia.
The male builds a bower on the ground to attract the female.
Masculul construieste un adapost sub forma de umbrar pentru a atrage femela.
The bower is not a nest because the birds don't live there.
Adapostul nu este un cuib pentru ca pasarile nu locuiesc acolo.
The male decorates the bower with colourful objects like flower, fathers, shells, stones and bottletops.
Masculul decoreaza adapostul cu obiecte colorate: flori, pene, scoici, pietre si capace de la sticle.
Some males even paint the bower: they hold a piece of bark in their beak and use it as a paintbrush.
Unii masculi chiar picteaza adapostul: ei tin o bucata de scoarta in cioc pe post de pensula.
The male calls the female and dances near the bower with a bright object in his beak.
Masculul cheama femela si danseaza langa adapost cu un obiect sclipitor in cioc.
Later, the female builds the nest in a tree.
Dupa aceea, femela construieste cuibul intr-un copac.