The pasion friut have a pretty good teste.-Fructul pasiunii are un gust destul de bun.
Is bad to hurt another person.-Este rau sa ranesti alte persoane.
The grandparents are always old.-Bunicii sunt intodeauna batrani.
My young brother is really boring.-Fratele meu mic este cu adevarat plictisitor.
In her room is light.-In camera ei ste lumina.
I love the night's dark.-Iubesc intunericul noptii.
Yestardey i feel asleep to late.-Ieri am adormit ptea tarziu.
Today they finish school program early.-Astazi ei au terminat programul scolar devreme.
I hate too much the dirty.-Urasc prea mult murdaria.
My room is always clean.-Camera mea este intodeauna curata.
The quiet relax me.-Linistea ma relaxeaza.
I can't read in noisy-Nu pot citi in galagie.
The corridor is narrow.-Coridorul este ingust.
She have a wide bag.-Ea are o geanta larga.
My short skirt is balck-Fusta mea mea scurta este neagra.
Andrew is very tall.-Andrei este foarte inalt