
o scrisoare in engleza care sa contina urmatoarele cuvinte:
first of all
after that
before that
the next day/morning
in the end

Răspuns :

Dear X,
    I just came back from Austria yesterday. It was a long fly and when I arrived,I was too exhausted to write to you.
    The trip was awesome , we stayed in a 4 stars hotel , the food was awesome and I have tosay that the hotel deserves 5 stars. I ate for the first time in my life caviar and it was delicious . That restaurant was the best restaurant I have ever been at !Then, when I came back to the hotel I took a shower and I went to bed . Guess what ...  It has water matress !! 
    The next day , I went with my aunt to visit a musem . it was boring ... but she enjoyed. I decided to go shopping  , to see what clothes Austria has. I bought a pair of shorts and they are extremely comfortable ... Also a cute summer dress that is awesome because it has flowers on it and it fits me perfect. 
    The third day I was soo sad because we left.During the flight I slept or I listened to music...Now I'm happy being at home but I'll miss the luxury of Austria.Write me back soon !!