
you are going to make a leaflet for a festival that is pupular in your country.
-what type of festival is it?
- where does it take place?
- how long does it last
- how many people can go to the festival?
- how much does a ticket cost?
- does some of the money go to charity?
- what is special about your festival? why do people go???


Răspuns :

Traducere : 

Veți face un prospect pentru un festival care este popular în țara dvs.

- ce tip de festival este? 
- unde are loc ?
-cat a durat?
- Câți oameni pot merge la festival?
-Cât costă un bilet?
- cati banii se vor duce la caritate ? 
- Ce este special despre festivalul tău?
-de ce oamenii merg ???