
DAU COROANA. Traduceti asta in engleza. Fara google translate. Vă rog doar cine ştie engleză

Draga prietene,
Cu ocazia zilei mele de nastere, te invit sa-mi fii alaturi in acest moment important din viata mea. Petrecerea va avea loc pe 9.10.2018 la mine acasa. Te astept

Cu drag, Razvan

Răspuns :

Dear friend,
On the occasion of my birthday, I invite you to join me at this important moment in my life. The party will take place on 9.10.2018 at my home. I'm waiting for you
Dearfully Razvan

My dear friend, on my birthday, I invite you to join me in this important moment of my life. The party will take place on 9.10.2018 at my home. I expect you. Love you, Razvan