
Alcătuiți un text in limba engleză care să aiba 28 randuri și sa aibă titlul ,, Forever Live"


Răspuns :

it was a dark a dark time for the hole family. a mother was about to be sepatared fom her kids. she was afraid. she didn't want to make them sad and she knew that their lives would be changed forever and that she will leave a scar in their hearts, it will break them. as a mother it is very hard to see your children sad, we can all imagine that. it felt very hard for the mother to tell her kids that she was about to die. so the days, weeks, even months went by and she still could not tell them. the kids started to notice something was diferent about their mother, diferent in a bad way. they decid to spend all their free time with her and make her as happy as she has never been. they start playng games and start reading together, until, saddly, she dies...and the kids are left there, alone, scared and broken... what became of those kids nobody knows.. and nobody will know. not now, never.