The Largest Ocean in the world
Pacific Ocean
170 million kilometers
Covers 33% of the world
The Deepest Lake in the world
1637 meters deep
Largest freshwater in the world
The biggest lake in the world
Caspian Sea
371000 km
1/3 as salty as the seawater
The largest desert in the world
14 million
It gets very little precipitations each year
The hottest desert in the world
Sahara desert
Doesn't mention
hot during day,cold during night
The driest desert in the world
Atacama Desert
Doesn't mention
hasn't rained in some places for 100 years
The longest river in the world
Nile river
6650 km long
It gets smaller as it gets near its mouth because of evaporation
The widest river in the world
Amazon River
40 km wide
More water flows down the Amazon than the next 8 largest rivers combined
The longest river in Asia
6385 km long
It has the largest dam in the world called the Three Georges Dam