i'm (1) writing you from italy (iti scriu din italia)
(2)I am on holiday with some friends (sunt in vacanta cu niste prieteni)
We are (3) staying at a beautiful hotel in Venice (stam la un hotel frumos in Venetia)
The sun usually (4) shines brightly (soarele de obicei bate luminos) at this time of the year but (5) it's raining at the moment. (bate luminos in aceasta perioada a anului dar acum ploua)
My friends and I (6) are never bored. (eu si prietneii mei nu ne plictisim niciodata)
There are so many things to do here and we (7)are trying hard not to miss anything
8 we are having a snak
9 and we are waiting for the rain to stop
10 is having a great time sau has a great time (ambele sunt corecte, fiindca is la trecut)