Iti cere sa pui cuvintele la timpul trecut dar si sa aranjezi paragrafele incat povestea sa aiba sens.
Last saturday. Mr Fry went (went e forma trecutului verbului to go) to the center of the town. He parked his car and walked into a bookshop. (traducere: sambata trecuta. Domnul Fry a fost in centrul orasului. A parcat masina si a mers intr-un magazin cu carti)
While he paid for this books a man with a black mask over his head got into Mr. Fry's car and drove away. Mr. Fry saw him and he shouted for help. Then he remembered that Lucky, his pet parrot was in the back seat. When Mr Fry got to the police station, his car was already there! (traducere: In timp ce platea cartile, un tip cu o masca neagra pe cap a intrat in masina domnului Fry si a plecat. Domnul Fry l-a vazut si a tipat dupa ajutor. Apoi si-a amintit ca Lucky, animalul lui de companie, un papagal era in scaunul din spate. Cand domnul Fry a ajuns la sectia de politie, masina lui era deja acolo!)
The police officer told him that while the thief drove, the parrot shouted: "Stop! Police!" The man was so scared that he stoped the car and got out. A police car saw him as he ran down the street and arrested him! (Traducere: Ofiterul de politie i-a spus ca in timp ce hotul conducea, papagalul a tipat: "Stop! Politia!. Omul a fost atat de speriat incat a oprit masina si a iesit afara. O masina de politie l-a vazut fugind in jos pe strada si l-au arestat!)