
Va rog frumos sa ma ajutati la un exercitiu de engleza: inteview2: execuse me are you in a. hurry ? Henry: Well ,we're having. a rehearsal. in. about. ten. minutes. and. I'm late. I usually. walk. but. it's. raining. so. I'm. taking. a cab . Q: Can i just quickly ask you what you do and where you're going? . Henry:Well ,usually I teach music but at the moment I'm playing. cello for the orchestra. at the Meet.Q: The Meet? Henry: The. New York Metropolitan Opera . Q: Oh, and that's where you're. going to now? Henry: That's right. The reahearsal stars. stars at 2 o ' clock .Q: Is it far ? Henry: No just a. couple of blocks . About five minutes ' walk .Q: And where do you live? Henry: In Queens , in. the the suburs. It takes ten minutes by train . Q: And do you pass. throught Grand Central every day ? .Henry: Yes most days. Va rog sa imi traduca cineva acest text din engleza in romana tradus. Repede va rog helps? Please.

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eu am vrut sati traduc textul dar osa imi ia mult si am si treaba iti sugerez sa il traduci tu pe goohle translate ok!-