
Poate sa imi faca cineva o felicitare despre vreme,mancare si locuri

Răspuns :

Dear Alice,
It's my mery first time in Constanta but I'm feeling like I'm home. The peoples are really pretty and lovely. Yesterday, on a store, a cute guy/girl asked for my numer, so they are direct aslo. I don't visited nothing yet, because I wanted some time to recreate myself so I just sleept a lot. At the hotel I ate some very good crabs, for something that I never ate they taste pretty good. I ate also some seafood, like sea stars, squid and shells with some algae sauce.
The wather is so warm and nice, the sun is all the day up, no trace of clouds, so I think I'll go soon to the sea.I wanna visit also, exepting the sea her beach, some monumets, butiques and suvenirs stores, to bring you and my family some special things, of course.
I would like to know how are you ? And my family also. What's new ?
Write me fast, I'll wait.
With love, your best frined, Hannah