
Scrieti o compunere in engleza de 15 randuri în care sa descrieti camera voastră !!!!

Răspuns :

My room is big and spacious
I have a bed and a large desk.
My wardrobe contains all my clothes.
On the wall there is a bookcase, where I keep all my books.
I have a lot of books.
I'm currently negociating with my dad to install a second bookcase.
The windows are large and offer an inspiring vista.
I can go out on the balcony.
It overlooks our garden.
My mom is working in the garden.
On the floor there is a rug with a floral design.
Grandma wove it.
It is a family relic.
On my nightstand there is the latest print of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
I love my room.
I dread the moment, when I will have to leave it in order to go to college.