Rezumatul textului de mai jos. Ofer 50 de puncte + coroniță,dacă e corect. (P.S. REZUMATUL TREBUIE SĂ FIE ÎN ENGLEZĂ) Mulțumesc anticipat.

It happened at night. First Janet woke up on the floor. The following night Rose fell out of bed.
After several nights during which the same things repeated itself the family grew wary.
After witnessing how an invisible force carried the girls out of the bed, they turned to authorities.
Even with the house full of people, strange incidents kept happening.
After several months of investigation, everybody agreed on a verdict: a poltergeist.
This kind of disturbance is usually associated with teenagers and can start and end suddenly.
In case of the Harpers the incidents stopped after thirteen months, though the family were missing the thrill of the poltergeist.