
Traduceti uramatoarele propozitii

In prezent scriu articole despre animalele salbatice din tara noastra.

Calatoaresc cu autobuzul astazi pentru ca trebuie sa-mi repar masina

Trabuie sa mergem la doctor de doua ori pe an

Ea lucreaza ca manager la un hotel de 5 stele

Bunica coace niste placinte delicioase cu ciuperci in acest moment

Tocmai vorbesc cu prietenul meu la telefon despre petrecerea de miercuri

Nu isi petrece niciodata vacantele de iarna in strainatate

Răspuns :

Right now, I'm writing articles about wild animals in our country.
I'm traveling with the bus today,because I have to fix my car.
We have to go to the doctor twice a year.
She works as a maneger at a 5 star hotel.
My Grandma is cooking some delicious mushroom pies at the moment.
I just talk with my friend at the phone about the party on wedensday.
He never spend his winter holidays aboard.