
Traduceti in limba engleză:
Aceasta varaca fost foarte distractiva si cred ca cea mai frumoasa de pana acum. In aceasta vacanta de vara am fost la bunicii timp de doua saptamani, m-am jucat cu prietenii in fiecare zii pe afara si mi-am ajutat parintii la treburile gospodariei. Prin luna iulie am primit o oferta din parte scolii sa merg intr-o tabara de vara la mare impreuna cu colegii mei, aceasta fiind o rasplata pentru rezultatele bune la invatatura obtinute de toti cei care ne-am aflat acolo. Am fost pentru prima data la mare si a fost minunat atata timp cat am fost impreuna cu colegii mei. A fost o tabara de neuitat.
Vara aceasta nu o voi uita niciodata!

Răspuns :

This summer was really fun and I think the most beautiful one so far. In this summer vacation I have been to my grandparents for two weeks, I've played with my friends in every live out there and helped my parents in the affairs of the household. By July, I received an offer from the school to go to a summer camp at sea with my colleagues, and that was a reward for the good results of learning from all of us who were there. I was for the first time at sea and it was great as long as I was with my colleagues. It was an unforgettable camp.
This summer I will never forget it!

Coroana ?
This summer was really fun and I think the most beautiful one so far. In this summer vacation I have been to my grandparents for two weeks, I've played with my friends in every live out there and helped my parents in the affairs of the household. By July, I received an offer from the school to go to a summer camp at sea with my colleagues, and that was a reward for the good results of learning from all of us who were there. I was for the first time at sea and it was great as long as I was with my colleagues. It was an unforgettable camp.This summer I will never forget it!