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O vacanta de neuitat
vara mea a fost foarte frumoasa ,deoarece nu am mai facut ceea ce faceam de obicei adica sa ies cu prietenii mei ,ci am fost plecata in Delta Dunarii.Acolo am stat aproximativ o saptamana in care am dormit m-am plimbat si am aflat foarte mute lucruri interesante despre acest loc de vis.
In prima zi am fost pe unul din canalele care duc spre adevarata balta ,unde o multime de pasari cantau ,zburau si ne incantau privirile uimite de delicatetea frumoaselor inaripate.
Poate pentru unii este ceva plictisitor fara de valoare sa faci ceea ce am facut eu ,dar mie nu mi se pare chiar asa deoarece eu am invatat si unele mestesuguri specifice pescuitului .Chiar daca sunt fata mi-au placut foarte mult lectiile de cusut pescareste,de prins peste ,de vazlit ,dar ceea ce m-a incantat cel mai tare a fost momentul in care eu am reusit sa prind primul meu peste .
Poate ca nu este ceva foarte impresionat dar mie mi-a placut foarte mult sa cunosc si sa vad Delta Dunarii cu alti ochii

Răspuns :

An unforgettable vacation
my summer was very beautiful, because I did not do what I usually did to go out with my friends but I was gone to the Danube Delta. There I spent about a week sleeping I walked and found out move interesting things about this dream place.
On the first day we were on one of the canals leading to the real pond, where a lot of birds were singing, flying, and we were delighted with the amazement of the delicacy of the beautiful winged ones.
Maybe for some it's worthless boring to do what I did, but it does not seem like that because I've learned some craft-specific crafts. Even though I'm a girl, I really enjoyed sewing lessons, to catch on, to see, but what pleased me most was the moment when I managed to catch my first fish.
Maybe it's not very impressive but I really enjoyed getting to know and see the Danube Delta with other eyes sper ca te-am ajutay