Alexandru, exercițiul îți cere să introduci în spațiul punctat sinonimele indicate în lista de sub enunț pentru cuvintele date în paranteză. De exemplu, reverence este sinonimul cuvântului respect, trend este sinonimul lui attitude/fashion și așa mai departe.
1. Tom has great reverence for his teacher's work.
2. The trend nowadays is for people to take exercise and eat healthy foods.
3. She felt so much compassion for the city's homeless people that she decided to do something to help them.
4. Communication is of vital importance to any relationship.
5. Educational games are a good way to stimulate young children at school.
6. My enthousiasm for athletics was rekindled when I watched the Olympics on TV.
7. The wedding reception was held in the grounds of the country house.
8. There is an interesting article in the current edition of National geographic.
9. Bob has perceived himself to be a good football player until he was rejected from the school team.
10. Mrs. jones had plans to spearhead a campaign to protectstray animals.