
Se faci diolog cu Mihai Volontir (Engleza)

Răspuns :

Hello! I've heard you're an actor.
-Oh! What an coincindence!
- Ilike your songs an your movies.Have you tried your career at Hollywood?
-No, no... I... love Republic of Moldova too much. I can't leave it! 
-Oh... But why?
-Hollywood has enough actors. I love Republic of Moldova. Maybe to much!
-Oh. But why you don't want the Hollywood life?
-Not only Americans have to have actors ! And my country! 
-And I dont'l like the paparzzi life.
-Actually the Hollywood is paparazzi life.
-Oh... so you say...
-That Hollywood is full of paparazzi.
-Ok Mr. Volintiru. Thank you for this interview.
-Anytime. Thanks too.