
Va rog mult traduceti-mi si mie aceste propozitii in engleza! Corecte!!
1. Mama mea ma duce la film sambata.
2.Uneori sunt in vacanta in luna august
3. Nu imi place iarna pentru ca este frig.
4. Tatal meu munceste foarte mult vara.
5. Prietenele tale sunt vesele si dragute.
6.Casa mea nu este mica .
7.Vreau sa mananc inghetata si ciocolata .
8.Mama zice sa mananc fructe :mere , banane , portocale,struguri,cirese,pepene verde.
9.Toamna incepe scoalasi copiii sunt tristi.
10. Parintii mei ma iubesc foarte mult
11. Nu stiu sa scriu toate cuvintele in engleza.
12.Imi plac pomii verzi si florile primavara.
13.Ma duc la magazin sa cumpar carne ,cartofi ,morcovi,rosii si paine .
14. Bunica si bunicul pleaca la mare maine dimineata
15. Masina noastra este de culoare albastra,rosie,maro,neagra,galbena sau alba?
16.Telefonul meu cel nou este auriu si imi place foarte mult
17. Asta seara mananc iaurt cu cereale.
18. Nu stiu daca in vacanta merg la munte sau la mare
19.Penarul si stiloul meu sunt noi si frumoasa

Răspuns :

1. My mother will get me to the cinema on Saturday.
2. Sometimes I'm on vacantion on August.
3. I don't like winter because it's cold.
4. My father works a lot in summer.
5. Your friends are joyful and cute.
6. My house is not small.
7. I want to eat ice cream and chocolate.
8. Mother says to eat fruits: apples, bananas, oranges, grapes, cherries, watermelon.
9. Autumn starts school and children are sad.
10. My parents love me very much.
11. I don't know how to write all words in English.
12. I like the green trees and the flowers in spring.
13. I'm going to the shop to buy meat, potatoes, carrots, tomatoes and bread.
14. Grandma and grandpa are going to the sea tomorrow morning.
15. Is our car blue, red, brown, black, yellow or white?
16. My new phone is golden and I like it very much.
17. This evening I'll eat yogurt with cereal.
18. I don't know if on vacantion I'll go to mountains or to sea.
19. My pencil case and pen are new and beautiful.

Sper ca te va ajuta!