
Va rog mult sa imi traduceti in engleza urmatoarea compunere
Toate zilele copilariei mele au fost frumoase insa cea mai frumoasa a fost aceea cant am aflat ca voi avea o surioara .M-am bucurat foarte tare deoarece imi doream de mult timp o sora sau un frate, mai ales pentru ca imi plac copiii si simteam nevoia unui prieten cu care sa ma joc .
Inainte sa aflu ca voi avea o sora ma simteam trista pentru ca nu aveam cu cine sa ma joc deoarece parinti erau la servici iar eu eram acasa doaar cu bunica si ma plictiseam.
Nu cred ca am avut o zi mai fericita ca aceea si am asteptat cu nerabdare sa am o surioara

Răspuns :

All the days of my childhood were beautiful but the most beautiful one was that I can not find out that I will have a sister. I enjoyed it very much because I wanted a sister or a brother for a long time, especially because I liked my children and I felt The need for a friend to play with.Before I found out that I would have a sister, I felt sad because I had no one to play with because my parents were at work and I was home with my grandmother and I was bored.I do not think we had a happier day than that and I was looking forward to having a sister
All my childhood days have been beautiful but the most beautiful day was the one when i found out that i am going to have a sister. I was so happy because i always wanted a sister or a brother and because i love kids and i needed a friend to play with.
Before I found out that I will have a sister I was sad because i didn t have anyone to play with, my parents were always working and i was bored staying just with my grandma.
I think that was the happiest day of my life.