
Alcatuiti cate un enunt cu fiecare cuvant:( in engleza)
-rainforest ( padure tropicala)
-chalet( cabana la munte)
-nostly( in principal)
-warerfall( cascada)
-it doesn't matter ( nu conteaza)
-hot spring( izvor termal)
-the Northen lights ( aurora-boreala)
-ash( cenusa)
-cliff( varf)
-chap( ieftin)
-sight( obiectiv turistic)
-wander ( a retaci prin lume)
-awid ( a pastra distanta, a evita)

Răspuns :

It dosen't matter what is he doing .
I'm gonna awid him .
The Northen Lights are the most beautiful things that I ever seen.
This CD's very chap ( care cre' ca e "cheap") than the other ones.
Nostly (sau cre' ca e mostly) I ate the dinner at six o'clock.
Nu stiu daca e bine :))
Nu am facut cu toate