1. 2. Can I play at the supermarket?
No, you can't.
Where can I play?
You can play in the park or at home.
3. Can I buy vegetables at the post office?
No, you can't
Where can I buy vegetables?
You can buy vegetables from the market.
4:Can I run at the chemistry ?
No,you can't
Where can I run?
You can run at the gym or in the park.
5. Can I buy stamps at the backer's?
No , you can't
Where can I buy stamps?
You can buy stamps at the post office
La acest exercitiu, am completat dupa cum am crezut de cuviinta la fiecare raspuns de la a 2-a intrebare, insa in cerinta scrie ca trebuie Sa ascult niste dialoguri si apoi Sa completezi.
2. 2. has got
3. can't
4. Can
5. Can't
6. Haven't got
3. Si aici, de asemenea este Mai mult un joc de rog cu un coleg, dar totusi voi scrie rezolavarea.
Can I have some yogurt ?
Yes, you can
Can I have some pie?
No, you can't
Can I have some butter?
Yes, you can
Can I have some cake?
No, you can't
Can I have some pizza ?
No, you can't
B: Can I have some soup?
Yes, you can.
Ca I have some juice?
No, you can't
Can I have some bread?
No , you can't
Can I have some milk?
Yes you can
Can I have some strawberries ?
Yes , you can