
Hats and monkeys
Look at this man!
He has lots of hats.
the man is hot.he sits down under a tree
there are monkeys in the tree.
The monkeys take the hats.
The man snakes his fist.
the monkeys snake their fists.
The man stamps his foot.
The monkeys stamp their feet.
The man thros his hat on the ground.
The monkeys throw their hats on the ground.
The man has his hats and he is happy.

Răspuns :

Hats and monkeys=Palarii si maimute
Look at this man=Uitate la omul asta
He has lots of hats=El are multe palarii
the man is hot.he sits under a tree=omului îi este cald.El sta sub un copac
there are monkeys in the tree=sunt mainute in copac
the monkeys take the hats=maimutele iau palariile
The man snakes his fist.=Barbatul isi misca pumnul
the monkeys snake their fists.=Maimutele isi misca pumnul
The man stamps his foot=Barbatul bate din picior
The monkeys stamp their feet.=Maimutele bat din picior
The man thros his hat on the ground.=Barbatul isi arunca palaria pe pamant
The monkeys throw their hats on the ground.=Maimutele isi arunca palariile e pamant
The man has his hats and he is happy.=Barbatul are palariile lui si este fericit.