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Am mers jos in Bucătărie și mi-am făcut un sandwich . Eram singur iar acest lucru nu îmi plăcea . Așa ca m-am dus in camera mea și am luat o jucărie ca companie .Dar tot ma simțeam singur .Si in acel moment mi-am dat seama ce simt defapt copii din orfelinat . Incepuse sa îmi fie sete dar nu găseam apa.In acel moment aveam nevoie de ajutor. Dar mi-am adus aminte ca mai aveam apa la mine in camera. Si după am hotărât sa ma culc .

Răspuns :

I walked down to the kitchen and made a sandwich. I was alone and I did not like that. So I went to my room and took a toy as a company. But I still felt myself. And at that moment I realized what the children of the orphanage actually feel. I was starting to thirst, but I could not find water. At that time I needed help. But I remembered that I still had water in my room. And after I decided to sleep.
I Went down to the kitchen and I made a sandwich. I was the and that I din not like.So I went to my room and got a toy that company alone.And but I still feel that moment I realized what I feel actually children in the orphanage. He began to thirst but could not find water. In that time I needed help. But I remembered that I had water in my room. And after I decided to sleep.