
un text in engleza in care imaginar sa conving un client sa cumpere de exemplu un telefon

Răspuns :

                                            New shop in town!
          Five days ago, I found a new job. A new electronics shop just opened in town and I was so excited, because my main hobby is surfing the net. It was close to my house so I decided to go take a look. The manager saw me and realised that I'm a huge fan of the things they were selling there. He asked me if I'd like to be a seller. I automatically said yes, because I loved that place and I needed money to buy a new laptop.
         My first day at work came and I had to convince a woman to buy a very good and cheap phone. She refused, telling me that she wants the 'perfect phone for a perfect woman'. Strange, right? Anyway, I kept pushing her till she finally realized that I won't stop. She thanked me for helping her and then leaved the shop, with a bright smile on her face.
        I adore my new job!