
Compunere in engleza despre un oras/sat in care sa precizați: 1. Numele orașului/statului
2. Locul unde este situat
3. Ce aș putea vedea acolo
4. Activități ce se practica acolo.
Compunerea trebuie sa conțină THERE IS, THERE ARE , THEY ARE ,IT IS. Va rog ajutați-ma, nu ma prea pricep la engleză!

Răspuns :

My country is called Plugari. There is my house and I live there with my parents in a big enough house. I think the country will change in few years . All the roads will be paved , the people will make more children so I'll have playmates,the mayor will make playgrounds. Our neighbors will plant more plum trees , they will cultivate more fruits, vegetables and cereals. They will make a new hostel for holidays, a new library with a lot of books. the country will be full of happy people and cheerfulnes.