
Vă rog să mă ajutați!E URGENT!!!
Scrie un scurt text utilizând următoarele cuvinte/expresii:
Cosy and warm, well-deserved ,collapsed, full moon, romantic, laughter, desperately, lake, love skating, huge fire, glow.

Răspuns :

Last month I was on a well-deserved holiday with my girl friend, the hotel room was very cosy and warm. In our first night we had a romantic diner and outside through the window we have seen a beautiful  huge full moon. next day we went to see a very well known lake were the glow of the sun was so bright I could say that soon we will see it collapsed in that lake. Later on we met a couple and together we enjoyed a fire camp were we could hear every where around only laughter, full of joy and happiness. My girl friend, I know she use to love skating so that was our next move. After few minutes of skating we heard someone desperately calling for help. That was a child which twisted his ankle.