
Traduceti in engleza urmatoarele propozitii:

1. Vineri merg la teatru cu colegii mei de clasa.
2. Toamna sunt multe fructe si legume delicioase.
3. La prânz mananc cartofi prajiti cu cârnați.
4. La vară merg în vacantă în Grecia.
5. Dimineața mănânc micul dejun cu familia mea.

Răspuns :

1. Friday go to the theater with my classmates
2.Autumn fruits and vegetables are delicious
3.At lunch eat fries with sausage
4.Go on vacation this summer in Greece
5.Morning eat breakfast with my family
1.On Friday I go to the theater with my classmates.
2.In the autumn are a lot of delicious fruits and vegetables
3.At noon I eat some crisps and sausages.
4.In the summer I go in holiday in Greece.
5.In the morning I eat breakfast with my family.
